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Nov 1, 2017 - NJ Faith Leaders Condemn the Terrorist Attack in Manhattan


ISBR supports and fully subscribes to the following statement issued by the NJ Interfaith Coalition  (

As members of the New Jersey Interfaith Coalition of over 150 interfaith groups from across the state, we condemn unequivocally and in the strongest possible way the terrorist attack committed in New York on October 31st resulting in the death of eight and injuries to many.  We send our heartfelt condolences to the families of all victims and pray for quick recovery of the injured. 


Taking God's name and killing 8 innocent bikers and injuring others is an absolute violation of God's commandment which considers saving one life is like saving the entire humanity. 


We stand united in solidarity with New York and will not allow any act of hate, bigotry, and violence, committed by anyone and in the name of any religion, to divide us.  We believe in mutual respect and understanding of all faiths and pray for peace and healing!


New Jersey Interfaith Coalition

N.J. Muslim leaders strongly condemn terrorist attacks in Paris

Here are links to some of the many news stories about this successful press conference held at Rutgers University on Nov 17th under ISBR leadership where Imams and directors of 28 mosques and Muslim organizations from around the State came together for the first time.


The Islamic Society of Basking Ridge (ISBR) condemns unequivocally and in the strongest possible terms the barbaric terrorist attacks on innocent civilians in Paris and in Beirut.  

Islam is against terrorism and does not condone or provide any justification, whatsoever, for such despicable acts. We stand in solidarity with the people of France and Lebanon and express our deepest sympathy with families of those who were killed and pray for the recovery of those injured in these horrific attacks. 

The perpetrators and planners of these crimes against humanity should be brought to justice.

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